Ding! Ding!
Firstly, let me introduce ‘us’ – Peter & Pauline Trama.
Last time we were here, officially that is, was from Easter 2007 through to the end of 2011. We had our sons and a gaggle of uncut diamonds, guys & girls, who helped us to shape and work the park for your enjoyment.
This time, whilst you’ll undoubtedly still see our sons from time to time – especially Brandon, his wife, Tiffany and our grandson, Mason, who are helping in our corner regularly – mostly its Peter & I. We’re now onsite every Thursday and Friday and every second weekend (barring injury or illness… which happened the other weekend! )
Father Dave is still in the ring. He takes the other weekends and remember… those are the weekends where friendly competition happen in the boxing ring.
Also, still very much around is Bob, who has been active in the park for many years. Lately he’s been in the skid steer and excavator, the driveway is one of his latest projects.
Binacrombi has many that Dave calls ‘friends of Binacrombi’ and regularly can be seen in and about the place, giving a hand – Mark, Terry, Nathan & Stewart to name just a few. All of these friends, named and unnamed, do their best to improve Binacrombi and make it a memorable place to visit.
So… what have we been up to since we started at the beginning of July…?We’re back in the swing of cleaning cabins and many minor repairs have been done. Water has proved to be a challenge, but each week we take steps into strengthening the system that’s already in place and it’s progressing well. One of our first major salvos was to remove several trees, large and small, from near the genny shed. This has improved the efficiency of the solar panels immensely. Big shout out to Mark, Brandon and Brandon’s mates who came in to give a hand.
Another ongoing project is the entry/ exit to the 40 acres. Now cut into two tracks, there are still some final things like blocking the cut-throughs and setting up adequate signage. The tracks have been resurfaced as well but care needs to be taken whilst we finish this area. We’ve also we’ve added recycling tubs to each cabin, along with the regular bins to help with rubbish. Please help us keep the park clean by putting rubbish into the appropriate bins/ tubs and not burning glass or cans in the firepits.
So much more to tell you and so little space!Be sure to keep in contact with us as we improve the Bina experience and come say “Hi!” up at The Cloister, across from the Rec Room when you’re onsite or to Father Dave as he wanders around. Don’t forget… we’re coming to the end of the winter season and the October Long Weekend will soon be happening, so get in early to book your cabin/ site, the weekend has always been a favourite. If you have a 4WD and are self-contained, there’s always amazing camping at The Junction.