Binacrombi Bush Telegraph – No.10

Well… almost! 😉

What a month November has been. We’ve had some successes… the deer have mostly started leaving the roses alone, (there have been a few that have actually reached blooming stage) and the wallabies are doing a great job at keeping the lawn manageable. As of today, it’s been two weeks since Peter and I have been able to venture out there, so we’ll see how things are when we get there on Thursday.

In the first weekend, Peter and I visited The Junction to check how things are. Unfortunately, the council has only improved maybe two thirds of the road and that last bit keeps it 4WD access still. But aside from updating the facilities, The Junction is still an amazing place to take some time out. There’s a couch – still not sure exactly who left it or how it managed to make its way there – and there’s a beautiful, deep billabong that will provide great swimming or fishing in the summer weather.

And then we had the most magnificent storm. Peter had been working on the driveway and has done the lower two thirds and the storm swept through without doing too much to ruin the new work thankfully. We drove up onto the ridge to watch and feel the change as it swept through, and it was incredibly powerful.

Aside from the bike riding, Binacrombi is the most incredible place to simply holiday and enjoy what Australia offers best… bush!

Two of our friends came to stay one weekend; one was a previous visitor who had fallen in love with the place when we first came out from Sydney to be captivated and the second was a newbie, who quickly fell under the peace and beauty that is Binacrombi. We visited The Junction again. Peter and Co. skipped rocks. I tried to but Peter is the Champion Rock Skipper in our family.

Speaking of rocks… if you or anyone that you know enjoys the hobby of fossicking, Binacrombi would be one of the best places to go. There are plenty of places to search and it is rumoured that there could be gold or semi-precious gems hidden in plain view for those who know how to see (which I still don’t! 😊). In addition, the past two years have seen the river flooding so much that it has changed its course and areas that have been hidden for so long are now available for the adventurous. Game on!

In the last week of November, Goulburn and surrounds were inundated with heavy rains and storms that reached up and down the state and out beyond Binacrombi. It was decided that not only were the roads going to difficult but that the river crossings would have become impassable and so, we stayed in Goulburn. This weekend we head out again but… that will have to be part of our December catch up.

Don’t forget that there is a great promotion happening at the moment; Friends of Binacrombi. With so many who have loved Binacrombi and wish to help increase the park’s impact and availability, Dave is offering a deal that would not only open up more riding opportunities but will allow you to participate in changes and updates on the park, leaving a legacy for friends and family in the future. Contact Dave or Amanda and ask for details if you’re interested.

Pauline 😊